© 2025 24 Paws of Love

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Current blog look inspired by and dedicated to Chance, Blaze, Fiona and Zappa who all kicked ass against cancer and liver disease.

Brut Quote

Brut Quote

Saturday, December 31, 2016

Stretching into the New Year...

From our Paws to Yours
we wish everyone a Happy New Year!

Thank you for reading 24 Paws of Love.

See ya on the other side!

Saturday, December 24, 2016

Santa came early with the magic of hot dogs!

After two days with new medicines for Silver's bladder infection and lack of appetite, she is finally eating...hot dogs!  She is chowing them down quite eagerly.  We've went through almost two packages in a day's time!

I couldn't be smiling more!!  :)  My baby girl is eating again.

And I think she may be feeling some relief from her UTI.

Christmas wishes that she will continue...

Making a very Merry Christmas for the 24 Paws of Love!

Merry Christmas everyone!!

Thursday, December 22, 2016

Update on Silver and calling all Cat Lovers

Just back from the vet and we are hoping we found the answers to all our questions.  

We had another confirmation from one of the vet techs who saw Silver when we first took her to have her tumor looked at and she too said it had condensed.


We were there for her bladder infection that hadn't gotten better only worse.  So we are trying another antibiotic and praying for good results.  Silver is so sore from straining to pee and we were given some extra pain pills to help relieve this.
After a urine sample and a blood sample, we were assured that the probability of a bladder tumor was unlikely.  Another concern we had when her infection didn't clear up right away.  Although it is more possible that we may have a resistant strain of bacteria and that is what we will find out trying this new antibiotic out.

She is still barely eating and has lost almost five pounds since the vet last saw her.  The vet thinks that this is due to the pain of her infection and the fact that I gave her two different Nsaids painkillers over the course of a week.  (one for about 5 days and another for two days)  It was the first time our vet got mad at me.  And I got a stern talking to.  Switching back and forth can screw up the lining of the stomach and there is suppose to be a five day waiting period before trying another one.  I didn't know that.  But it explains why Silver was eating even less the last couple of days.  Lesson learned.  So we were also given a stomach protector (like Pepto Bismol) to help heal Silver's tummy so she can eat again.

So hopefully Silver is on the mend.  And even though I may have cause a little more damage than good, it was an honest mistake and something Silver can recover from.

Thank you so much for your support and encouragement and prayers.  They mean the world to us!

And for all of you cat owners, we are asking what kind of food you feed your cats.  We have been making some changes with the kitties food and would really like to have your input.  

Just go HERE link to 36 Claws of Attitude to read and share your answers and any thoughts you may have in the comments.  

We would really love to hear from you!

Thank you! 

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Power of the Paw!

Silver and Zappa's Paws

Silver is on a different antibiotic for her bladder infection and is steadily getting better day by day.  She is eating at least one meal a day and lots of mini milkbones.  The only other thing she will eat.  We are not out of the woods yet with her appetite.  This weekend will tell us more.

The bigger picture

Please send all good thoughts, best wishes, prayers and POTP this way for Silver.  We could really use it.
Thank  you!

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Good News, Bad News

First the good news, Silver's cancerous tumor in her mammary gland hasn't grown from last month.  In fact, it contracted a bit in width.  So for all of you that are praying for Silver, prayers are being answered.

Now we need some more...

The bad news is that Silver is still hardly eating or drinking, though we did find out that she has a bladder infection and is being treated.  She has been eating about a meal a day, but today she didn't eat anything and vomited two hours after giving her her antibiotic.  So we'll have to go back to the vet to see about a different medication.

So while we have some great news on Silver's tumor, she is not feeling well at all.  We are hoping that when the UTI clears up, she will start eating again.  If we can find a medicine she doesn't throw up.

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Wordless Wednesday- My Slobbery Perspective

If you wear glasses and have kissy-face doggies, you understand.  :)


Update on Silver:

When I woke up the other morning, hubby Mark, was watching Silver from the sliding glass door with tears threatening to fall.  He said Silver didn't want to eat, (she has been hesitating) and that he fed her by hand.  I too, have done this a few times.  It seems as if nothing smells good to her.  I've tried giving her bites of her favorite foods and she won't eat them.  She does eat her dog food with a little coaxing and love, though I wonder if her tumor might be pushing on her inner organs and causing discomfort.

Our vet measured the tumor when she diagnosed it.  We have an appointment this Thursday, Dec. 8 to find out if it has grown and by how much.  We want to know if there is anything more we can do and ask questions about her eating and such. Like about her hip dysplasia which has gotten worse the last year, but especially the past 3 months and how the weight of the tumor might be affecting it.

Thursday, December 1, 2016

(back) Paws Crossed for Everyone

Love, Zappa

Who is Boxer's new best bud?
Find out HERE.