It was a new morning. The clouds were parting for the first time in weeks, showing a faint blue sky and some hazy sunshine. It was mild again today, the temps in the 30's. Fantastic weather for mid-January in Northern Michigan.
Hubby and I had our morning ritual, talking about all we could do on this nice winter day and what we'd like to get done. For the most part our minds were content. The dogs were doing well and we couldn't ask for more.
Despite our excitement over our plans for the day, we moved slowly through the morning hours. Taking our time with the dogs, when we noticed Fiona in pain. That darn torn tendon in her right shoulder. We'd been lucky so far with walks on ice and snow and in the yard, but she most have strained it somehow.
Watching her pace back and forth is difficult to watch. Or she stands, then lays, then is back up again, only to walk to another spot and do it again.
And that was all it took for our day to crash to the floor. Between Silver's anniversary yesterday, Brut Thursday (today) and Chance, our emotional plate was full, only to have it toppled over now that our little girl was hurting. It became a day of hugging the dogs and spending time with them. Which isn't a bad way to spend the day, it was just hard under those circumstances. It just makes for more tears when you are sad and scared.
By the end of the afternoon Fiona was doing much better and moving without pain or extra pain medicine. Mark walked Chance, Blaze was at my feet and Zappa was comfortable in his chair.
And it turned into a great day after all. Even with all our plans being squashed and the daylight fading away, we spent the day with the ones we love most, which was the best unlaid plan we could have had. ♥