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Current blog look inspired by and dedicated to Chance, Blaze, Fiona and Zappa who all kicked ass against cancer and liver disease.

Brut Quote

Brut Quote

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Just a girl and her dog

 I'd been the verge of tears on and off all day.  They just wouldn't come, but it made for emotional day.  I have this all or nothing theory about walking the dogs, they either all go, or no one does.  Very rarely do I ever single out a dog and take only one for the day, but today was different.  Today, I couldn't handle the pressure I was putting on myself to walk all four individually like I usually do, no, today I needed to take Chance.  Just Chance.  And once we got going, I think he felt it too.

A hazy, half moon was out and plenty of Christmas lights to lite our way.  Chance and I fell into sync almost instantly.  I think we both needed to forget about cancer and death and just walk until our hearts were content.  The cool air cleared out heads and kept our blood pumping.  We were just two being doing what we loved to do together.  It was so refreshing.  And it was easy to forget about everything except us. There was no big revelations or deep communications between us.  It was all about feeling free from restrictions, limitations and guards.  Just a girl and her dog on a walk.  

And it was that simple.