A phrase we are always using and talking about in our home. The constant healing power our canines radiate for our hearts-body-mind-and souls. Whenever we are down or ill or just feeling lost and alone we seek each other out. I can not count the number of times they have been so in tune with my moods and how intuitive they are about it. When my husband comes home from a stressful day at work he lays down with a dog or two and immediately begins to relax physically, emotionally and mentally. Just hugging all that fur and the love that is saturated inside, heals the wounds of the day or the brain. Taking those rough edges of demands, the curt words, the ignorance and stupidity of the world so that he just melts into the dog's love. Here my husband is safe and secure and can be true to himself and fully accept and give the love that is usually depleted when he comes home. The dogs become a source of restoration and rejuvenation for what makes him who he is. A loving husband, a doting father, and a healer himself for me. For I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for him and the dogs and that just makes more love to go around. :)
I agree♥
Nice post. We too agree with the sentiment. Have a fabulous Friday.
Best wishes Molly
Beautiful post. Wholeheartedly agree!
Beautiful post. We would all do well to remind ourselves of the blessings our family, friends and animals offer us.
PS - I don't know if you do this kind of thing but I'm passing along the "One Lovely Blog" award to you. Just my way saying how much I admire your dedication to your packs and enjoy your blog. Have a wonderful weekend!
Wonderful post...agree whole heartedly :)
People think I'm nuts for not having gone to a doctor for over 20 years. But who needs medicine when you have dogs?
Dogs are so accepting and loving, and give back over and over. Great post!
Last night I said, "Man, some people might think I've become boring since having dogs, but they have made me so happy."
I completely understand, and agree. Sometimes I just can't wait to get home to hug my dogs and to curl up with them on the couch. They remind me to put my worries away and to just BE, a reminder that I desperately need sometimes.
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