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Current blog look inspired by and dedicated to Chance, Blaze, Fiona and Zappa who all kicked ass against cancer and liver disease.

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Brut Quote

Monday, August 27, 2012

Monday Memories-Food Fight?

Monday Memories-our little trip down memory lane.

Can your dogs eat out of the same bowl?
And to think Chance and Blaze's previous owners used to throw them a scrap of food and watch them fight over it.

Now look at them!!


How Sam Sees It said...

We have never had two dogs that could eat out of the same bowl... BOL - even our horses can't eat out of the same spot without have a quarrel!


Unknown said...

Nice one! Have a great Monday.
Best wishes Molly

houndstooth said...

They look pretty content to me!

The Daily Pip said...

Believe it or not, my feline sister Rosie and I have shared a bowl!

Your pal, Pip

Sarah said...

Sadie & Maggie have been known to switch bowls mid-feeding but I've never caught them eating out of the same bowl simultaneously.

Collie222 said...

All five of my collies will eat out of the same bowl....no aggression.

BUT...there is a lot of greedy gobbling, as they try to claim as much of the treat as possible! :)

♥ Helen said...

Thank you so much for your nice comment in my blog, it meant a lot to me.
These two dogs of yours are really good friends , wow. My dogs go well together but they can not eat from the same bowl.

Leslie said...

That's awesome! Those are two sweet and lucky dogs.

But LOL - no, I don't see this behavior in Bella's future.

I can say that I once had a cat (Frodo) and a dog (Beau) who used to share the same bowl on occasion. It was priceless. As is this. :)

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Mom thinks that Ciara and Lightning could eat out of the same bowl, but Phantom and Thunder would not like it. Phantom probably wouldn't really want his food but he doesn't want anyone else to have it. Thunder would seriously feel there was barely enough in there for just him:) BOL

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

Anonymous said...

Amazing what bipeds do to dogs and cats out of stupidity and lack of caring. Clearly those two have a comfort with each other that comes from trust...something they did not have in the previous living environment. High Paw to both, Savannah

White Dog Blog said...

What a happy Monday smile photo! All of the WDA will share a waterbowl and all circulate to check out each others' bowls after dinner is over but only Quinn and Puff and Oso are patient enough to share.

jen said...

My dogs can not eat out of the same bowl:(
That is so great that Chance and Blaze can!

Pamela said...

That's awesome. When we have a foster pup in the house, I'm very careful to feed separately, just in case. It's wonderful that you have this sign of harmony in your house.

Sage said...

They've come a long way...all thanks to your love and devotion to them.