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Current blog look inspired by and dedicated to Chance, Blaze, Fiona and Zappa who all kicked ass against cancer and liver disease.

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Friday, September 14, 2012

What's your wild attraction?

So we all love our dogs, cats, horses and other domesticated animals, but what are your favorite wild animals?  Which ones are you really drawn to and why?

I'm drawn to the predators for their ravage beauty and power.

(photo courtesy of wikipedia)
I love all the large wild cats, but the Tiger, especially the Siberian Tiger (link courtesy of wikipedia) beats all of them hands down.  I've been drawn to this exquisite predator of the jungles for as long as I can remember.  Their stealth manner, beauty and swiftness always catches my breath.  While I would love to witness them in their natural habitat, I have only have the pleasure of seeing these majestic cats at the zoo.

(photo courtesy of wikipedia)

Of the air, I'm enraptured with the Red Tail Hawk. (link courtesy of wikipedia) I have seen Bald Eagles and other hawks, but there is something about this Hawk that has my attention.  We used to live on an open hay field where there was easy prey for these mighty hunters and it wasn't out of character to see them soaring around.  Another one of stealth and beauty that is always a good sign when I see them.

(photo courtesy of wikipedia)

In the sea, it is the sharks that I respect and find their prehistoric nature so enthralling.  I like them all so I don't know that I have a favorite, but I think the Hammerhead Shark (link courtesy of wikipedia)  is one that is quite unique.  I have always wanted to go into one of the underwater cages and observe them close up.  I wouldn't want to taunt them and risk my life like you see on some those shark shows, I would just like to know what it is like to be among the largest living predators in the world.

So what about you?  What wild animals do find yourself attracted to?       



Unknown said...

A Woolf would be our favourite as we no longer have them here and we love the way they look. Have a fabulous Friday.
Best wishes Molly

Collie222 said...

A wolf is my choice too. I've always loved them,

Pamela said...

I'm also on team wolf. But I'm also drawn to the Golden Retrievers of the sea--dolphins.

The Daily Pip said...

So many, but I am really interested in coyotes and whales. I also like Tigers.

Anonymous said...

Another one for the wolves! Although I'm not a dog, haha! I just get a feeling from them that feels like home xxx