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Current blog look inspired by and dedicated to Chance, Blaze, Fiona and Zappa who all kicked ass against cancer and liver disease.

Brut Quote

Brut Quote

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Working dogs

Thanks to Houndstooth, Pamela, and White Dog Army for their suggestions on the drawer opening exercising.  We will have to try them out.  I'm not sure when we'll have video Pamela, looks like we need to do some backup and regrouping.  :)

This weekend we also are did some home remodeling.  We really need to redo the bathroom, like add walls, ceilings, floor and a sink!  We were finally able to insulate and close off the main outside wall.  Man, what a difference some fiberglass and drywall will do to keep out the chill!

As always Brut and Fiona have to get in on the action.

 You say you need this a little shorter Dad?

 What do you mean, where's your tape measure?

It's right here, DAD!

(you owe me Fiona!!)

Working dogs, hard at work!


Unknown said...

BOL we love you supaw-vising! We hope you are having a wonderful Wednesday.
Best wishes Molly

houndstooth said...

All projects need a snoopervisor!


houndstooth said...

All projects need a snoopervisor!


Bassetmomma said...

What a couple of great helpers! :)

Pup Fan said...

Such a great team!

Sage said...

I could have used them on some of my projects!

Kari in Alaska said...

Good work guys!

Stop on by for a visit