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Current blog look inspired by and dedicated to Chance, Blaze, Fiona and Zappa who all kicked ass against cancer and liver disease.

Brut Quote

Brut Quote

Friday, May 17, 2013

I Gotcha Your Back

Have no fear, Brut is here!

Have you ever had your dog help you in a way that you never thought was possible?  All my dogs are my personal therapy dogs, but Brut and I are like twins, and we usually always know what the other needs.

Mark is walking Brut and I'm following behind on the trail getting ready to hit the open field.  I have a huge fear of people so when I saw there are a couple of people out there walking, a little shot of fear rushes to my brain.  Brut who is always in tune with me knows this and our surroundings turns around and drags Daddy back a little ways, sniffing this way and that, stalling a bit, before finally moving forward.

We take the next length of the field with the woman slightly ahead of us and far out of any threat zone.  And when we turn down the path back into the woods.  Brut made a big, long paw scrap looking right at me as he pumped each leg back, as if to say "and that's how we do it!"  I gave him a bite of my apple that he had no interest in the entire walk, but took my gift of thanks willingly.

He has done this with my fear of people before when I've been walking him.  When a car, people or bikes go by he will pause and start sniffing around while looking at me out of the corner of his eye.  I keep my eyes on him and when said "threat" passes, he moves on.  I just have to follow his lead.

It's like a game and it works wonders.  And it's so cool to understand each other and play.  Where nobody knows or is watching or anything looks out of the ordinary.  I truly believe it is one of the many special ways Brut shows me he loves me and he is grateful for all I have done for him in dealing with him.  And he shows a special side of himself in those moments.  A very caring, cajole dog who saves me every day.  

He's taking care of me, like I take care of him.



Unknown said...

That is so sweet that you are so in tune. Have a fabulous Friday.
Best wishes Molly

Saved by Dogs said...

It's great that you have a bond; I'm guessing all your canines have their own way of caring for you :-)

The Daily Pip said...

He knows you well and your bond is obviously very strong.

Your pal, Pip

acd6pack said...

It really is amazing how much we can learn from our dogs when we pay attention. He sounds awesome!