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Current blog look inspired by and dedicated to Chance, Blaze, Fiona and Zappa who all kicked ass against cancer and liver disease.

Brut Quote

Brut Quote

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy 2011-New Year Goals

Well Hello everyone out there in Blog World.  This our 185th day since we started our 24 Paws of Love blogging journey.  Which just happens to be the first day of the year.  We would like to wish you all a Happy New Year and let you know our New Years Goals for 2011.

Brut:  To be able to have more time with Silver without the kids around.  (wink,wink)

Silver:  I would like to spend more time with the kids without Brut always trying to love on me. 

Zappa:  I will try harder not to be like my Daddy Brut by not growling so much at him.  

Fiona:  I hope I can be more like myself so everyone will want to be like me.

Chance:  To be the world's greatest test taster, to out-howl anyone in the Back Pack, and to get this silly hat off my head.

Blaze:  To beat my record of only getting caught 3 times by Mommy when I was counter surfing. 

We'd like to wish everyone a Happy New Year.  Thank you for sharing in our blog and we look forward to blogging with you in the upcoming year.

24 Paws of Love 



House of Carnivores said...

Happy New Year to you too!

BZ Dogs said...

Wow - six dogs in hats. I'm impressed!!!

Art and Sew Forth said...

OK...that was just the best way to start this year! I LOVED it!
Tooey's goal? To avoid being picked up 25 times a day (literally) and made to get into stupid costumes and positions just so he can be photographed for the world!

houndstooth said...

All very commendable resolutions if you ask me!

Happy New Year! May 2011 smile upon you!

Pamela said...

Fiona has the resolution we should all make--at least the first part of it.

Hope you all have a great day and get to sleep in!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Happy New Year to you and all the pups - you got some great celebration photos.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Sage said...

Those are the BEST resolutions ever!! Happy New Year.

FANCY the Red Standard Poodle said...

Gee golly, y'all have some ambitious goals for the New Year!

Y'all come by now,
Hawk aka BrownDog

The Joke Puppy said...

The 24 Paws are the prettiest 6-pack that I have ever seen. Here's a wish that all of you, and your family, have a great 2011. If you get a break from your Holiday activities, please visit my blog, and maybe even send me a photo & a joke. I will feature one of you as a guest star in a "Joke Puppy" video. A blessed New Year to all.

Lily said...

Hi! I'm here with the Bloghop! You have a beautiful family! Is it fun to live with so many other doggies? I used to live with my dog mama but I was always fighting with her. Then my human mama and me moved away and now I live with my human Mama plus one doggie and one kitty. I think I would be kind of scared living with FIVE other doggies... but you look like you have lots of fun together!

Pup Fan said...

Great set of resolutions. Happy New Year!

ForPetsSake said...

HAhA! Love Fiona's resolution! Happy New Year to you and your pack as well ;)